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Memnon is a Scythian
Fredie Boath
Luke Ford
2 Votes in Poll
Is there anyone to help me update the wiki entries
Like Adding stuff from the Animated Series and all that
Sorry for the trouble
Most people would agree that the games based on the Mummy Movies are awful. I hope that this idea actually gets made into a game, since It could be good or even great. Since we have games being made that are an homage to older games (e.g A Hat in Time is an homage to Super Mario 64), this could be an homage to good movie licensed games from the 2000's. Here are my brief ideas;
Most levels are 1st Person Shooting -1st Person combat, timed levels with small platforming with gaps/traps, similar to Kong 2006 game, Medal of Honor Frontlines, Darkwatch, 007 games
Some levels are mini games with gameplay similar to Bully 2006 combat, Prince of Persia sword fights, stealth from 1st person 007 games, button games similar to Dead to Rights 1 (2002)
Certain levels are 3rd person vehicle sections similar to vehicle sections from 007 games, Bugs Bunny PS1 games
Have the original cast reprise their roles for voice and likeness, like with the Ghostbusters 2009 game remastered
Here's each of the levels, loosely based on scenes from the 1st two films;
The Mummy
Rick's first scene, when he's in battle - 1st Person Shooter
Evy's first scene in library - Mini game where Eve tries to stay stable on labber
Rick's hanging - Mini game where Rick tries to stay alive until Evy saves him
Shootout on Boat - 1st Person Shooter
Horse race against competing treasure hunters - 3rd Person Vehicle section
Fight with Medjai and Boss fight with Ardeth Bay - 1st Person Shooter
Scene where army of locusts appear - 3rd Person Temple Run section
Scene with army of Scarabs - 1st Person shooter
Rick first meets Imotep - 1st Person Shooter
Scene in Town where Imotep has army of hypnotised people(in the game it's mummies) and some boss fights with Imotep- 1st Person Shooter
Car Chase - 3rd Person Vehicle section
Plane Scene with Sand Wall boss - 3rd Person Vehicle section and 3rd Person Temple Run section
Traveling through temple - 1st Person Shooter
Fight Imotep's Priest's and final fight with Imotep - 1st Person Shooter
Escape from Collapsing Temple - 1st Person Shooter
The Mummy Returns
Alex hiding from guards and distracting them - Mini game with stealth
Rick and Eve run from water - 1st Person Shooter
Battle at O'Connell Mansion and boss fight with Lock-Nah- 1st Person Shooter and Mini game with combat similar to Prince of Persia
Battle at Museum - 1st Person Shooter
Bus chase - 3rd Person Vehicle section
Boss fights with Imotep priests on bus - Mini game with combat similar to Bully 2006
Alex sneaking past guards to get off train - Mini game with stealth
Flying ship fleeing from water - 3rd Person Vehicle section chase and boss fight
Fight with Imotep followers and Pgmy Mummies - 1st Person Shooter
Boss fight with Lock Nah - Mini game with combat similar to Prince of Persia
Race to get Alex to Pyramid - 1st Person timed level with platforming and shooting
Boss fight with Anck-su-namun - Mini game with combat similar to Prince of Persia
Boss fight with Imotep - Mini game with combat similar to Bully 2006 and Prince of Persia
Boss fight with Scorpion King - 1st Person Shooter
Evie saving Rick - Mini game with button presses similar to Dead to Rights 1 (2002)
Escape from sinking Pyramid - 1st Person Shooter
(Edited by Makman12994)
10 Votes in Poll
11 Votes in Poll
9 Votes in Poll
While I've only seen her do so in the second and third movies, anybody know any episodes where Evy physically punches or kicks anyone or anything on the animated TV show? If so, please list them.
I would imagine if Imhotep would be playable as a DLC in Mortal Kombat 12
And what was his moveset would be like?
then what was his alternate skins are going to be like, in the game? his Default outfit would be his human self.
Then his other outfit could be his priest oufit from the first mummy film intro, his Rotten mummified Skin as his secondary skin, The Boris Karloff Outfit from the 1930s film, the Christopher Lee Mummy from the 1959 version, and then his Black-hooded Robe.
What do you think of this? was it good or was it bad if Imhotep could be playable as a guest dlc fighter in MK12.
I am Bastet of Ancient Egypt
I need help with editing an article.
I made an article about the soldiers of the red turban guards. It’s a work in progress, and can you please expand it?
In the series of films about the Scorpion King, Mathayus is shown as a noble mercenary and liberator of nations; in the Mummy it is a cruel and bloodthirsty warrior-conqueror-tyrant. Why did he become evil? Can anybody tell me?
The prologue of Mummy Returns takes place in 3067 BC. But judging by the architecture of Thebes, this is clearly not 3067 BC, but rather the architecture of the Old Kingdom period (it was much later than 3067 BC). And in terms of uniforms, shape and appearance, the army of Thebes refers rather to the period of the same Ancient Kingdom, and the army of the Scorpion King generally resembles the Hittites and Hyksos in appearance, which at that time did not even exist. I am already silent about his bracelet - there was no such jewelry accuracy then.
Is the battle for Thebes the beginning of the conquest of Egypt by the Scorpion King? Or is it one of the battles during the conquest of Egypt? Or was it a decisive battle that the Scorpion King lost and was eventually driven into the desert with his army?
And most importantly: HOW could such a great warrior lose the decisive battle that he fled into the desert with his army? In the prologue, it was shown that he fought bravely, and in the end lost the battle...
The Scorpion King shown to us in The Mummy is a descendant of the Scorpion King from the film series? In the first film about the Scorpion King himself, it is said that the actions take place long before the Egyptian pyramids, although in the film (Mummy) they are shown ...
After seeing Tomb of the Dragon Emperor, it was kind of dissapointing to see such a good series sputter to a close. In seeing the simularities in both The Mummy and Indiana Jones Franchise, they could've actually made a decent crossover with each other, making it a final movie to both franchises. It also would've been better if the time setting was near the end of WWII (1944 or Mid 1945).
In this case, an egyptian or samurai mummy would be the antagonist, hence with the assistance of either Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan or both of them.
This could have been an exciting close to their adventures, in seeing their interactions with each other.
On the chat, how are all the catagories split up?
Sultan's Cabash
Medjai Forum
Cario's Museum
Arabian Desert
15 Votes in Poll
Hi all! I have an awesome update regarding the Unified Community Platform (UCP). As a reminder, the UCP is a new unified platform giving users the up-to-date MediaWiki experience including the latest features! More can be found here as a reminder.
In terms of new updates, Fandom staff posted three staff blogs:
- Unified Community Platform: The Vision, Purpose, and Process - This update provides a clearer idea as to the end goals of the platform. This includes mobile editing, latest features, customization options - and more! Mobile editing will be an especially popular addition, given the rising number of mobile users across Fandom.
- Creating new wikis on the Unified Community Platform - Fandom is now allowing users to create new communities on the UCP! Users will be able to get a first look at the new platform. The wiki creation process will also aim to prevent duplicate wikis being created, allowing for users to contribute to active communities and be part of a Fandom project viewed by massive amounts of passionate fans!
- Profile and Message Wall on the Unified Community Platform - Profiles are getting an update on the UCP, with a cleaner design and also more freedom for users to express themselves. More fields have been added and you can now add a banner image like you can on Twitter and other social media sites. Message Wall is also receiving a lift, getting a cleaner design more in line with Discussions to keep things consistent.
What do you think of these updates? Comment below and feel free to leave questions on those blog posts so staff can respond! :) --Spongebob456 talk 17:03, March 18, 2020 (UTC)
(Edited by Spongebob456)