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Lin is a warrior that; helped the O'Connells to defeat the ancient dragon emperor, Han; once he had been brought to life.
Early life[]
The ninja daughter of an ancient Chinese Emperor's sorceress and top general, Lin was born immortal as was her mother, the two living on through the centuries. Lin for the thousands of years that; she remained alive, stood watch over the tomb; which hosted the remains of the dragon emperor, bringing down any explorers where the traps and devices built; within to deter intruders failed to.
Ancient China[]
The ancient Chinese Emperor Han, after having conquered much of Asia in his name, desired to become immortal and, having heard of a sorceress that knew the means to immortality, sent his most trusted general, Ming Guo, to find her. Ming returned with the sorceress, named Zi Yuan, to the Emperor. Zi Yuan explained that she did not know the secrets of immortal life, but that a monastery in Turfan would provide the answers.
Ming himself was entrusted by the Emperor with the task of seeing that no man touched Zi Yuan. When the general and Zi Yuan had reached the monastery, But they began to fall in love, and were spied on as they went against the Emperor's commands of not having men touch the sorceress. As punishment for this, and the sorceress' reading the spells in Sanskrit, the Emperor ordered General Ming, who he knew to be having a relationship with the sorceress, killed. The Emperor stabbed Zi Yuan, and as she staggered away, the Emperor became clay, as did his armies; Zi Yuan having cursed them all as she escaped.
Not long after, Zi Yuan had her daughter, Lin, and the two lived on as immortals, residing in Shangri-La. But Lin took on the task of guarding the emperor's tomb, so as to prevent any from finding it and potentially bringing the old warlord back to life.
At Ningzia Province[]
Lin in her ninja outfit had discovered that an archaeologist known as Alex O'Connell, along; with his professor, Roger Wilson, was attempting to find the tomb of the emperor, Han. Lin's intent was to stop them from discovering the emperor's remains.
Shortly after, Lin and Alex crossed paths again in Shanghai where the emperor's remains were put on display, where she revealed Wilson's treachery and tried to stab the emperor's corpse in the heart; with the only dagger that; could kill him; before he was resurrected, only to find that; the body she had stabbed in the display's sarcophagus was a decoy and that; the emperor's body was concealed; within the terracotta sculpture of him. Han was revived and Lin failed to kill him in the ensuing chase.
Lin guided the O'Connells to Shangri-La in the Himalayas, summoning the aid of the yeti living there. She also developed feelings for Alex, but claimed they could not be together as, once her immortality was revealed to him, she might never overcome the pain of watching Alex die of age as she lived forever, much like her mother did; with her mortal father.
Soon Han broke; into Shangri-La and became an immortal shapeshifter, kidnapping Lin and taking her to the site where he was unearthed. He raised his army and battled Zi Yuan; who had sacrificed both Lin's and her own immortality; to raise an undead army to fight off the Emperor's; meanwhile, Alex rescued Lin. The emperor mortally wounded Zi Yuan; who told Lin to go kill him. But Lin was too emotionally despondent over her mother's death to do so, leaving the Alex and Rick to fulfill this wish. After Han was defeated, she met her father and his farewell to her, as he and other revived soldiers shouted out their victory and then vanished; into dust through the wind.
Sometime after Lin's mother, Zi Yuan's death, Lin and Alex have officially become lovers, as she chooses to spend her mortal life; with Alex.
Powers and Abilities[]
Former powers[]
- Immortality: Lin is immortal; for example, she cannot be killed; by natural means or most other supernatural means. But after Lin's mother, Zi Yuan had sacrificed her immortality; in order to combat Han's army; she no longer possesses this power anymore.
- Superhuman Longevity: Lin does not visibly age beyond her prime; for example; despite being over 2,000 years, she still maintains the physical appearance of a woman in her prime. But after Zi Yuan's mother, Zi had sacrificed her superhuman longevity; in order to combat Han's army; she no longer possesses this power anymore.
- Mortality: Lin is mortal; for example, she can be killed; just like other living beings.