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The Mummy is a platform game for the PlayStation game console and Microsoft Windows. A PlayStation 2 and Xbox version were planned, but were ultimately canceled, possibly due to time restraints. The game is based mostly on the first film in the The Mummy series, taking place immediately after Evy resurrects Imhotep. The game was released on November 17 2000 A.D, It was published by Konami Corporation and Universal Interactive Studios and it was developed by Rebellion Developments.


Ruins of Hamunaptra[]

You may have killed us all. You have unleashed a creature that we have feared for more than three thousand years.

–Ardeth Bay, The Mummy (video game)

Ardeth Bay addresses the player directly, saying that they have released an ancient evil fear for three millennia. The player then takes over as Rick O'Connell, who is situated in the catacombs of Hamunaptra and begins making his way through the tunnels, killing off thieves and taking any artifacts he can find. O’Connell then operates the opening mechanisms for the tunnel doors, wherein he finds more artifacts and more thieves to be defeated, with a new menace coming in the form of scarabs, which are burned away with the torch that O’Connell must light. Going further into the catacombs, O’Connell states that he has a bad feeling and makes his way into a pit, at which point a dried, raspy inhuman voice shouts in ancient Egyptian and mummies erupt from the ground, which are more challenging to kill than the thieves. After dispatching the mummies and escaping the pit, O’Connell goes in further to find more undead minions, these dressed in blue and gold trimmings and prove harder to kill than the mummies, requiring three strikes of the sword. These are defeated, however, and O’Connell encounters more grave robbers before going further into the catacombs, finding a room filled with some treasure pieces which are taken, before moving on to reach another corridor filled with mummies. After successfully surviving the Ruins of Hamunaptra, Rick opens a sarcophagus, collects a machete and a stone fragment and leaves the chamber.

Rick delivers the stone fragment after "facing certain death" to Evelyn. As she inserts the fragment into one of the spots, two doors open up. Evelyn points out that they need two more stone fragments to gain entryway to Hamunaptra.

Ancient Vaults[]

Oh, what’s that?
This, this is for you. I had to, you know, face certain death to get that for you.
Hm, I wonder…
What…was that?
Evy, I think--
Jonathan, look what we’ve found! Rick, if you can find the two missing pieces of this hieroglyph we can open the door!
And that would be good because…
It leads to the hidden chambers of Hamunaptra!
Does it say anything about treasure?
Apparently, collecting the treasures of Hamunaptra bestows powerful magic.

–Rick O’Connell, Evelyn and Jonathan Carnahan find the means to open a door to the ruins. , The Mummy (video game)

Finding his way into a more brightly-lit tunnel, O’Connell retrieves more treasures and kills off more thieves eventually finding his way into a tunnel where he encounters more blue-and-gold clad monsters, these equipped with war hammers. As he gets past the spike traps and walks along the edge of the chasm, he runs into more mummies with hammers, but Rick fends them all off. Then he activates some gears to raise a pyramid to bring out the star key as well as killing more slave mummies. Then he fought more mummies on the corridor intersection. Finally, he is able to fend off more mummies with hammers. After successfully, surviving and looting the Ancient Vaults, Rick opens the sarcophagus, collects the stone fragment and heads out of there.

With the second stone piece installed, Evelyn tells Rick that they need the final fragment.

Caverns of the Nile[]

Upon entering the chamber, Rick is almost instantly attacked by several mummies with war hammers, but Rick is able to fend them all off. Then he enters a corridor with trapdoor puzzles and fights more mummies on the edge of a cliff with a green watery lake. Rick then proceeds to next area and fights more mummies while avoiding quicksand pits and a crushing door. Upon grabbing the third star key, a hole breaks open but when Rick proceeds, the hole caves in preventing him from going back. Next, Rick faces off against about a dozen of the mummies with hammers in a giant vast area with a small sphinx model. Once the fight was over, Rick reaches a dead end at first, that overlooks a green river, but a log floats by and Rick jumps on and surfs all the way to the final area. There, Rick fights and defeats the mummies that were equipped with swords and shields. After successfully exploring and surviving the Caverns of the Nile, Rick opens the sarcophagus, collects the final stone fragment and leaves.

Rick delivers the final stone fragment to Evelyn, but notices that the door doesn't open. However, when Evelyn reads the hieroglyphics on the three stone fragments, the door opens and Rick, Evelyn and Jonathan head inside.

Beni's Downfall[]

Beni is panicking as Imhotep orders him to fetch the Book of the Dead. Beni nervously complies.

As soon as Rick, Evy and Jonathan enter the tomb, the door closes behind them trapping them. To make matters worse, Beni appears and snatches the Book of the Dead from Evy. Rick chases after Beni, dodging fire traps and jumping over rolling barrels that Beni sets after him.

Beni successfully delivers the Book of the Dead to Imhotep, but he leaves Beni behind. Rick finally catches up with him and punches him into the river killing him.

Shortly, Rick and his friends enter the treasure chamber, but Jonathan closes all but two doors leading the way out, after touching a pharaoh's mask. Rick now must look into other areas to find a way out.

Hall of Scarabs[]

Immediately upon entry into a large room, Rick fends off all slave mummies that were trying to attacking him. Noticing the metal barriers were blocking his way, he finds two switches and lowers the gates. However, there was a flame trap that was active, but Rick deactivates it by rotating the scarab switch. He kills three more slave mummies before deactivating another flame trap and drop down into another passageway. While Rick collects some treasure and steps on a pressure pad in a large area to open the door, a large swarm of scarabs emerge from the mound behind him to chase him. Rick ran for his life and dodge the spike traps, while stepping on pressure pads to open the doors. The chase ends with a pillar falling behind him, blocking the scarab path and the door closing behind Rick once the star key was acquired. As he makes his way up the ramp, he had to fend off more slave mummies. Next, he enters a large room, where Imhotep arrives and summon new mummies carrying spears and shields before flying away. Once they were dealt with, Rick climbs the edge where another slave mummy arrives to attack Rick. To his surprise, Ardeth shoots it dead and warns Rick that Imhotep is "not of this world" and no regular weapon will stop him. Ardith leaves to find another way to kill Imhotep. Nevertheless, Rick continues on killing more slave mummies and some scarabs that spawned from the sand. Shortly after, Rick opens up another door leading to another area with more swordsman mummies and a spike trap that he had to avoid while climbing up the ledges. Rick then enters another area where falling block falls on top of the sarcophaguses releasing scarabs and more swordsman mummies to be dealt with. Finally Rick enters another hall where he had to push four buttons to deactivate the fire trap while killing more mummies with spears. After successfully surviving the Hall of Scarabs, Rick opens the sarcophagus, collects the first mirror and leaves.

Rick arrives with the mirror and places it on one of the mirror stands. Evelyn points out that they are going to need more mirrors for the contraption to work, so Rick proceeds to check the other open area for the second one.

River of Blood[]

Know this. This creature is a bringer of death. He will never eat. He will never sleep, and he will never stop.

–-Ardeth Bay, The Mummy (video game)

Ardeth further informs the player that Imhotep will bring death and will not eat, sleep or stop.

Upon entering the area, and making his way through the blood pool, Rick fights off mummies coming after him, even when he readjusts the mural on the wall. After that, Rick dodges flames and immediately jumps onto a floating sarcophagus and surfs all the way to the next portion of the level. Unfortunately, when Rick opens the next door, he encounters Imhotep who immediately brings in mummies with bows and arrows, but Rick uses his guns and killed them all. Then he fends off more mummies with swords and shields even after Rick collects the star-key and heads to the door. However, Rick immediately runs into more archers but defeats them again. Finally, Rick makes his across the river and killed several more swordsman mummies. After successfully making his way across the River of Blood, Rick opens the sarcophagus, collects the mirror and heads on out of here...

With the second mirror installed into the contraption, Evelyn explains to Rick that in order to escape the treasure chamber, they need to shine the light on the eye of Ra and that they need two more mirrors to complete the contraption.

Storm of Sand[]

Right when Rick enters the area, a group of slave mummies arrive to attack him or try to force him to fall into the quicksand pool in the centre of the area. Upon collecting the star-key, he had to lower the barriers by smashing a plank that was jamming the mechanism. Shortly after, as soon as Rick enters a long dark tunnel, Imhotep appears and summons a sand cyclone to blind and kill Rick. Rick ran for his life dodging collapsing pillars and spikes and was able to avoid the sand cyclone by grabbing the second star-key and jumping into a deep pit. Once Rick climbs out and reaches the end of the tunnel, Imhotep's face briefly appears in the sand which immediately summons more slave mummies into the area. Once the mummies were killed, O'Connell activates a platform for him to climb over the gate as it was buried in the sand. However, as he climbs up and over another gate, and drops into the next area, several mummies armed with spears appear and tried to spear him, but Rick kills them all. Since none of the spearmen mummies dropped a star-key, he opens a few doors and activates a mechanism to raise the cage that contained the star-key. Rick proceeds deeper into the area fighting off mummy archers that were ambushing at every turn. Finally, Rick proceeds through another long tunnel and enters another area with more mummies armed with swords. Fortunately for Rick, they were all dealt with. After successfully surviving the Storm of Sand, Rick finds the sarcophagus, collects another mirror and heads on out of here.

Rick arrives with the third mirror and gives it to Evelyn to install into the contraption. One more to go...

Swarm of Gadflies[]

He's here.

–Rick, aware of Imhotep's presence, The Mummy (video game)

As soon as Rick enters the crypt, Imhotep appears behind him and summons more mummy archers into the blood pool area, before flying away. Fortunately, Rick was able to kill them all. Shortly after entering a hall, a swarm of gadflies immediately burst out of a wall behind him and start chasing Rick. He was able to lose them by jumping into a pit after grabbing the second star-key. However, as soon as Rick climbs out of the pit, several slave mummies spawn and attack him but they were all defeated. While searching through the next part of the crypt, he faces off against more archers, while finding two switches to summon the next star key. In the next area, Rick makes his way across the river of blood killing more archers that were trying to impede his progress. He then had to dodge fire traps to activate switches and open the door, leading to the next room. The room was filled with weaving pillars and many slave mummies, but Rick was able to maneuver his way around the pillars and killing all the mummies. Once finished, he moves a couple statues to reveal some hidden treasure chambers. After successfully surviving the Swarm of Gadflies, Rick opens the sarcophagus, grabs the last mirror and flees.

With the last mirror installed into the contraption, Rick and his friends realize that the door was not open. Luckily, Rick shoots one of the mirrors, so the light would shine on Ra's eye to open the door leading to the next chamber. Little do they realize something bad was about to happen in there...

Anck-Su-Namun's Crypt[]

Upon arrival in the crypt, Evelyn informs Rick and Jonathan that the sarcophagus contains Imhotep's followers who all suffered the Hom-Dai curse. Not wanting to stick around as to why their sarcophagi are open, the three head to the other side. Evelyn notices the floor lights every time they step on a tile, but while examining it, Anck-Su-Namun's spirit rises from the tar pit. While Jonathan makes it out of the crypt, both doors on the opposite ends close while Anck-Su-Namun spirits Evy away. Rick tries to shoot the ghost but immediately realizes she was immune to bullets. As Anck-Su-Namun flies towards him in an attempt to suck the life out of him, Rick ran around the crypt lighting all the tiles and collecting ankhs while dodging a slave mummy, acid traps and Anck-Su-Namun herself. After successfully lighting all the tiles in Anck-Su-Namun's Crypt, Anck-Su-Namun gets sucked back into the tar pit. The door opens and Rick heads on out of here.

Rick enters the embalming chamber and meets up with Jonathan. When asked where Evy went, Rick admits he has no idea. Just then, Ardeth arrives and also asks where Evy went. Upon deducing the Imhotep has her and will sacrifice her to resurrect his lover, they need to first find a way to enter Imhotep's lair, as the door to the lair is sealed shut. Rick agrees and decides to check on the other section and Ardeth hands Rick his Lewis machine gun. Rick takes it and runs into an open entrance.

Curse of Boils[]

As soon as Rick enters the cavern, he gets attacked by several mummies equipped with war hammers. He then had to activate a pressure pad to lower the barriers while dealing with more mummies with hammers drop from the ceiling. Shortly afterwards, Rick had to push a switch to deactivate a fire trap that was blocking his progress and fend a few more hammer mummies. Later, Rick enters another large room and gets attacked by several mummies with swords and shields but were all dealt with. He then enters a grotto with more hammer mummies attacking him at every corner. After climbing up and dealing a few more hammer mummies, he races through the acid traps and gets ambushed by mummified archers. At first, when Rick comes into a room with a sarcophagus with chains binding it, it looked like a dead end, but once the chains were destroyed, he was able to open up a new passageway. He pushes another switch to reveal another water filled grotto with several slave mummies ambushing him but was able to kill them all. While making his way through a cavernous tunnel, he had to deal with scarabs and more slave mummies, while avoiding black spots as the stalactites will fall on Rick. He then climbs a few more ledges, while being attacked by more slave mummies and finding a switch to deactivate the acid traps while jumping across the platforms. Finally, Rick dodges all the spike traps and climbs up more ledges to reach the exit while killing mummies equipped with swords. After successfully surviving the Curse of Boils, Rick opens the sarcophagus, collects a canopic jar and escapes.

As Rick returns to the embalming chamber, Jonathan reveals to Rick that the only way to open the entrance passageway to Imhotep's Lair, they need to find four "Sacred Canopic Jars of Hamunaptra." Rick reveals that he found a jar and places it on one of the four pressure pads, opening the other two doors that lead to new tombs to explore. Rick tells Jonathan to tell Ardeth, while Rick finds the other three canopic jars.

Tombs of Death[]

Meanwhile, Evy has been revealed to be alive for now and is chained to a sacrificial altar.

As Rick proceeds down the stairs, Imhotep reveals new mummy enemies called spirit mummies. These mummies are immune to gunfire but Rick was able to use his machete and amulets to kill them all off. Shortly after, Rick climbs up the stairs and enters a room where he is attacked by several slave mummies. When a certain number of them died, a stone wheel opens to reveal a chamber with a star-key, with several mummies guarding it. Once this ordeal was finished, Rick enters another room and notices a jackal statue that falls to the floor automatically summoning several dozen mummies after Rick. He then enters another grotto and finds another star-key seemingly unguarded but as soon as he picks it up, he gets ambushed by several spirit mummies, but they were all dealt with. He enters another cavern and gets attacked by more spirit mummies. However, none of them had dropped the star-key so Rick finds a mechanism to move the stone wheel to collect it. Next Rick dodges several spike traps and enters pit-like areas with several slave mummies ready to attack. However, once killed, Rick then activates switches to raise platforms to escape and climb out of the pits. He then runs down another hallway with collapsible pillars and gets ambushed by several swordsman mummies, but they were all killed. Finally, Rick climbs up into another area, dealing with more spirit mummies and shoots a vase on a large scale to reveal a hidden chamber with a star-key and a couple of mummies spawning out of their sarcophagus. After successfully surviving the Tombs of Death, Rick opens the sarcophagus, collects the second canopic jar and heads on out of here.

Rick places the second jar on the pressure pad next to the first jar, with him stating, "Two more to go."

Plague of Fire[]

Time to go!

–Rick O'Connell upon seeing the fireballs coming after him, The Mummy (video game)

Rick begins to proceed down a tunnel, when a group of mummies rise from the ground and start attacking him. As soon as Rick dealt with them, a part of the tunnel breaks away revealing an underground passage with a large pool of lava. While trying to edge his way around the lava pool as well as running across the collapsable bridge, he is ambushed by more slave mummies. One of them drops the star-key Rick needed to deactivate the flames. Once done, he opens up a new passage, but Imhotep was waiting for him. Imhotep causes the hallway to have fireballs rain down from the ceiling, before flying away. Rick carefully makes his way through avoiding the fireballs and killing the slave mummies that try to slow his efforts. Later, Rick enters another large area with a pool of lava in the centre and more mummies with hammers but Rick was able to beat them all. After that, Rick opens up another passageway but as soon as he enters, Imhotep summons some fireballs to home in and fry Rick. Luckily as Rick runs for his life, he snatches the star-key which causes a wall behind him to raise to prevent the fireballs from following him any further. After making his way through a short passageway, he encounters some remaining archers while crossing another lava pool. Afterwards, he enters another maze of corridors with paintings of priests, but as soon as he pushes a switch, he immediately activates the priests in paintings. That's when Rick realizes they were high priest mummies as they burst out of the walls and start shooting him with blue energy spheres coming from their staffs. Rick was able to quickly kill them all off and collect the final star-key. After successfully surviving the Plague of Fire, Rick opens the last sarcophagus, collects the final canopic jar and leaves.

Rick places the third jar on the pressure pad and now has to find one more. Luckily, Ardeth arrives with the last canopic jar and inserts it on the last pressure pad, opening the route to Imhotep's lair. While Ardeth and Jonathan run to collect the Book of the Living, Rick enters the Chamber of Anubis to rescue Evelyn.

Chamber of Anubis[]

These guys don't quit, do they?!

–Rick O'Connell facing more swordsman mummies, The Mummy (video game)

As soon as Rick enters a large room, he immediately gets attacked by some remaining slave mummies, but they all end up getting killed. He immediately activates a couple switches to enter the next area where the last batch of slave mummies are waiting for him to fight. Once they are dealt with, he opens up a new passageway where there were numerous spike traps to avoid and some remaining blue clad mummies with sledgehammers to be killed off. Once done, he dodges a few more spike traps and opens another door. Behind the door were several mummies equipped with swords and Rick comments that "these guys don't quit." In order for the star-key to appear, he rotates four pointed star switches to summon more swordsman and a star-key in order to open a secret passageway behind one of the statues. At the end of a passageway was a wall which broke away revealing more mummy spearmen ready to skewer Rick, but Rick kills them all, as he ventures down another tunnel. Shortly after, opening another door, he gets attacked by some spirit mummies and collects the star-key. Noticing that the tunnel leading to the star-key door was extremely dark, Rick had to light his torch and make his way around the maze of passageways. As soon as he enters the last chamber, Rick notices Imhotep chanting towards an Anubis statue. As Rick calls out to him, Imhotep notices and gets furious that Rick was alive. Rick tries to shoot him dead, but Imhotep was immortal and the bullets do no damage. Imhotep causes the floor underneath Rick to break and flies away. Immediately, the Anubis statue comes to life and starts to attack Rick by swiping at him with its arms. The statue was invincible and guns, amulets and melee weapons won't work on it. However, when the statue trips and falls, one of the three bugs comes out of its back so Rick shoots it dead. After killing the two remaining bugs, Anubis roars and collapses to the floor creating a large pit. After successfully surviving the Chamber of Anubis and collecting the last star-key, the floor underneath Rick collapses as well, resulting in him falling in as well.

Temple of Priests[]

Looks like this place is ready to blow.

–Rick O’Connell in the midst of danger., The Mummy (video game)

Following his fall into the pit, Rick grabs a golden sword lying on the floor amongst the remains of the Anubis statue, which opens up a doorway, for Rick to access. He starts climbing up and is immediately attacked by some remaining mummy spearmen by accidentally knocking down a pillar. Then he adjusts a panel to reveal a large room and kills a few dozen remaining swordsman mummy in there. He then drops into another pit, filled with ghosts, and later reveals a passage with more ghosts as well but Rick fends them all off. Next, he enters another part of the temple and is attacked by mummy priests. While Rick continues through the tomb he is then attacked by a few more remaining mummy priests. He then had to activate a mechanism to knock a statue down to reveal an opening. Finally, Rick enters a lava filled room but there was no sign of any mummies or Imhotep, however, he had to run across a bridge that will collapse to the sacrificial altar. After successfully surviving the Temple of Priests, collecting all the treasure, lighting all the hieroglyphics, and killing most of the mummies, Rick grabs the final star key. The door opens and Rick heads on through ready to finish Imhotep off for good.

Imhotep's Lair[]

Well...this is it: Imhotep's chamber!

–Rick O’Connell about to confront Imhotep., The Mummy (video game)

Phase 1[]

Imhotep is ready to kill Evelyn by stabbing his knife into her chest when Rick arrives, ordering him to "get his ugly face away from her." Immediately, Imhotep flies around the area throwing blue energy spheres and generating a shockwave attack but Rick avoids them and destroys the chains that were binding Evelyn.

Phase 2[]

You saved me!
Not yet! This guy just doesn't quit!
We need the Book of the Living to kill him!
Jonathan has it!
I'll get the Book! You keep him busy!
No problem!

–Evelyn and Rick coming up with a strategy to stop Imhotep., The Mummy (video game)

After Evy gets freed from the altar, Rick warns Evy that Imhotep is still trying to stop them. Evy runs off to find Jonathan who has the Book of the Living, while Rick distracts Imhotep. A furious Imhotep flies around the arena to thwart Rick's efforts down by bringing ghosts and throwing more blue energy spheres; Rick is able to finish the remains of Imhotep's army.

Phase 3[]

Jonathan shows with the Book of the Living and is relieved that Evy is fine. While Rick is fighting Imhotep, Evy quickly reads the Book of the Living, to stop Imhotep in his tracks. Rick is at first shocked that the book didn't kill Imhotep, but Evy tells Rick that Imhotep is now mortal. Rick uses his golden sword to kill Imhotep thus ending the reign of terror. After successfully surviving the battle at Imhotep's Lair, the lair immediately begins to collapse so Rick, Evy and Johnathan flee out of the tomb.

Cairo (Bonus Level)[]

This bonus level can only be unlocked if you have 50 perfect zones. To get a perfect zone, you need to kill all enemies, collect all the items (pieces of treasure, gun ammo and health vials), break all canopic jars and collect the items inside before they vanish and light all the blue hieroglyphics within the zone you are in. You can tell you got a perfect zone, if the star-key you obtained has a red dot in it on your progress bar on the bottom right corner of the screen.

Rick starts the level on the boat where a group of Medjai were ambushing him with swords, but were easily dealt with. As he gets off the boat a few more of the Medjai attack but Rick was able to fend them all off. Shortly after opening two gates to reach a large empty square, Rick gets attacked by more Medjai. One of them drops a star-key allowing Rick access to the Cairo library. At first when entering the library, there were no enemies there, but as he makes his way up the stairs, more Medjai attack him from all sides. Once done, he makes his way upstairs into a large area with a scarab painting on the floor in the centre, while dealing with several more Medjai that were waiting to ambush him. After successfully surviving Cairo, Rick grabs the final star-key. The level ends here.


Common Enemies[]

Slave Mummies- The most common enemies of the game. While they do not carry any weapons, they can attack by punching Rick.

Swordsman Mummy- They attack Rick with their razor sharp swords and block some of your attacks with their shields.

Spear-men Mummy- Similar to the swordsman mummy, except they carry spears and are longer range. They can also block your attacks as well with their shields.

Archery Mummy- These bowmen attack by shooting arrows. It is highly advised not to try and run close to them as you will risk a lot of health. Use long range weapons against them is recommended.

High Priest Mummy- They can burst out of paintings and attack Rick by rapidly shooting blue energy spheres out of there staffs. They're the least common enemies in the game.

Scarab beetle- While they are small and weak, they can still harm Rick by biting his heel. Listen to the squeaking sounds and attack them when they get near. In "Hall of Scarabs," Rick needs to flee from them, just like in the movie.

Spirit Mummy- These ghost-like mummies attack by coming out of thin air and punch Rick. Hiding is useless as they can phase through walls and floors. They are immune to your guns, so using magical weapons or melee weapons are advised.

Tomb Robbers- Found in the first 2 levels, they attack Rick by using their hammers. They are very weak and can also give you access to secret areas of the level.

Medjai Warriors- Found in the Cairo bonus level only, they attack Rick with their swords. Don't use any melee weapons as they can block quickly and counterattack. Use your guns against them as they can be taken out easily.

Mummies with hammers- They attack Rick with hammers like the tomb robbers, however, they take quite a lot of damage using guns, so using a machete or explosives is advised.


Beni Gabor (found in Beni's Downfall)- The cowardly traitor who works for Imhotep has stolen the book of the dead, and Rick has to reclaim. Throughout the chase, Beni will activate a switch that will release barrels that can kill Rick with one hit. After four rounds of the chase, Rick is able to corner Beni by punching him into the river far below, but loses the Book of the Dead to Imhotep.

Anck-Su-Namun (found in Anck-Su-Namun's Crypt)- The only female boss of the game, she is Imhotep's lover. Upon entering the crypt, she kidnaps Evelyn and spirits her away (wanting Imhotep to kill Evelyn to resurrect his lover), and then engages Rick in a battle. To beat her, run around her crypt, lighting up the tiles while avoiding acid vapor from the sarcophagus, tar pits and herself (touching her will result a one-hit death). There's also a Slave Mummy that will try and slow your efforts down. Once all tiles are lit up, Anck-Su-Namun is drawn back into the tar pit and dies.

Anubis (found in the Chamber of Anubis)- The Egyptian god of death. This statue was brought to life by Imhotep to thwart Rick's efforts of saving Evelyn. After Imhotep flees, the statue comes to life and proceeds to attack Rick by swiping at him with its hands. The statue can not be defeated by using any weapon since it has no health bar. You need to run away from it. Once the monster falls, quickly turn around and shoot the bugs that come out of him. Repeat this strategy three times and the boss dies. His remains were seen in Temple of Priests at the beginning of the level.

Imhotep (found in Imhotep's Lair)- The priest and the main villain of the game. He has three phases. During the first two phases, he is immortal and cannot be harmed by any weapon yet. The first phase is to free Evelyn from the sacrificial altar while avoiding the blue spheres he shoots at you as well as a shockwave attack that can kill you in one hit. In the second phase, he summons spirit mummies and throws blue energy spheres. Then when Imhotep is reduced to a mortal man on the last phase, you can use any weapon to kill him. Defeating him makes you win the game and you get a closing cutscene from the movie.


All hazards will instantly kill Rick.

  • Liquids and Quicksand- Rick can't swim in this game.
  • Fire- Jets of flame will fly out of walls or from the floor to fry Rick. There is a challenge where Rick has to escape the fireballs.
  • Crushing Doors- Some doors are automatically activated and will close immediately, trying to crush Rick. Wait for them to open and run past them as fast as you can.
  • Acid- A lot like flames except they mainly come out of walls.
  • Trapdoors- As long as you don't enter the pit with the trapdoors, the pit remains open. However, it contains treasure and if you jump into it, you are going to activate a timer. If you're not fast enough to collect the treasure and escape, the trapdoor closes on you.
  • Falling pillars- Rick needs to run pass or avoid touching tiles that have bones as it will crush him. Watch out for the ones that are rocking back and forth as you will know they will fall on you.
  • Spikes- Like acid and flames it comes out of walls and floors but only appears for a brief second.
  • Barriers- During the surfing levels, Rick needs to steer his log away, jump or duck to avoid getting hit and drown.
  • Falling blocks- Avoid touching tiles with black spots or risk getting crushed.
  • Gadflies- In Stage 8, Rick must run away from the swarm in order to proceed.
  • Sandstorm- In stage 7, Rick needs to run away from it while dodging traps and collecting the star key.



Dual Pistols- Rick's default guns. While they do not cause a lot of damage to enemies, they can be fired quickly. The pistol ammo is identified as yellow boxes with a white bullet image on it.

Shotgun- Causes more damage than the dual pistols but has a slower rate of fire. You acquire the weapon after beating Beni's Downfall. The shotgun ammo is identified as a blue box with a red shell image on it.

Lewis Gun- This gun has rapid fire and can wipe out a huge group of enemies very fast. You acquire it from Ardeth before you start the level, Curse of Boils. The Lewis gun ammo is identified as a black and white striped circle.

Amulet- This is a deadly bomb. Once you throw it, it explodes when touching a surface. Most enemies die with just one hit, but the ammo is scarce so use it if you really need to.

Dynamite- Similar to the amulet, but it doesn't do quite as much damage. Do not run too close when it explodes because even if the dynamite hurts enemies, it can still hurt Rick. The weapon can be first obtained in Ancient Vaults.

Machete- This weapon is good to slash mummy bandages and block attacks. Most enemies die in 2-3 slashes. You acquire this after clearing Ruins of Hamunaptra.

Golden Sword- This melee weapon is very powerful and kills enemies in 2 hits. You won't acquire it until Temple of Priests.

Torch Stick-This weapon can block attacks, light paths and blue hieroglyphic squares. If Rick lights 8 blue hieroglyphic squares with the torch, he gains an extra life. To light the torch, put it near a wall of flame. Once lit, the torch will burn for 20 seconds until it goes out.

Your fists- The weakest weapons as they are good to kill extremely weak enemies such as a scarab. You won't really use it that much in the game, unless there are canopic jars to break open, scarabs to kill, you run out of ammo or mechanisms to activate.

Other Items[]

Ankhs- Provides Rick with an extra life. Note that if you collect it and you die in the area, the ankh won't return.

Health vials- Resembling flasks, they can restore Rick's Health. The health bar can be indicated by the green dots on the star key status on the bottom right corner of the screen.

Star-Keys- Collecting those keys will allow the gold switch to be released and function as a checkpoint once you pass through the doors. If you pass the star-key doors, you won't return back to the original area, unless you restart the level.

Treasures- Four pieces of treasure make up one amulet. They are identified as Pharaoh's mask, golden box, tall narrow vase, small wide urn, golden scarab, and golden figurine.



